We are excited to announce we are hosting the Ethnic Xchange Symposium in Auckland on 11 October, the first Symposium of its kind.

Our inaugural Ethnic Xchange Symposium brings together Government Ministers, policy makers, investors and entrepreneurs to consider how to unlock the potential of ethnic businesses for the benefit of New Zealand’s economy.

Early bird tickets are now available for a limited time.

Ethnic Xchange will focus on ethnic businesses, their contributions and challenges. It will examine how ethnic businesses can make bigger contributions to New Zealand’s economy through trade, investment and innovation, and how their experience and connections can be used to help advance New Zealand’s trading aspirations.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Hon Nicola Willis, Minister of Finance, Minister of the Public Service, Minister for Social Investment, and Associate Minister for Climate Change
  • Hon Judith Collins, Minister of Science, Innovation and Technology, Attorney General, Minister of Defence, Minister for Digitising Government, Minister Responsible for GCSB, Minister Responsible for NZSIS and Minister for Space.
  • Hon David Seymour, Minister for Regulation, Associate Minister of Education, Associate Minister of Finance, Associate Minister of Health, and Associate Minister of Justice
  • Hon Melissa Lee, Minister for Economic Development, Minister for Ethnic Communities, and Associate Minister for ACC.

Hear from the chief executives of the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment, New Zealand Trade and Enterprise, BusinessNZ, Auckland Chamber of Commerce, and our very own Chief Executive, Mervin Singham.

It is a chance for people to get expert knowledge and inside information from business leaders, industry innovators, investors, economic experts, youth and women entrepreneurs. Case studies will include technology, clean energy, sustainability and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

View the full lineup of speakers and the programme on the Ethnic Xchange website ethnicxchange.org.nz.

Ethnic Communities have told us through a series of engagements that economic diversity, opportunities and support for ethnic businesses are essential to them.

Ethnic Xchange aims to provide ethnic businesses with actionable strategies and insights on navigating international markets, attracting and retaining investment, and how to be innovative to boost productivity and growth.

It will also provide a platform for business leaders, the public and the private sector to come together to discuss their experiences, challenges and visions for a more prosperous New Zealand.

Ethnic Xchange will establish conversations and connections that will continue far beyond the Symposium.

Our previous efforts to unlock the potential of ethnic businesses

Ethnic Xchange is an important milestone in our economic development work. It extends to previous discussions we have facilitated, such as the Business Roundtable with Melissa Lee, Minister for Ethnic Communities, and the EthnicBiz Forum in May 2023.

We continue to support a range of community-led initiatives which support economic development through our Ethnic Communities Development Fund.  

We look forward to Ethnic Xchange on 11 October to delve deeper into the issues facing ethnic businesses, and to collectively consider how we can work collaboratively to untap their potential for the benefit of New Zealand.


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