Our new video series highlights the importance of protecting ourselves and our communities from measles. We worked with Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora to produce three animated videos on measles and the Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccination. 

The videos explain what measles is, how to protect yourself from the disease and where you can access reliable health information. They are translated and voiced over into 20 different languages, as well as English.

Watch the videos in different languages.

Measles is a viral disease that can cause serious illness and sometimes death. It can easily spread between people by breathing, sneezing, or coughing. It is one of the most contagious illnesses.

The best protection against measles is the MMR vaccination. Measles vaccination rates have dropped in recent years and New Zealand is at a very high risk of a measles outbreak. 

“There are concerns there will be a measles outbreak in New Zealand this year,” Mervin Singham, Chief Executive, Ministry for Ethnic Communities, says. 

“We are working with other Government agencies, including Health New Zealand, to inform the public about the risks of measles. 

“It is important we all do our part to keep our communities safe. By getting vaccinated, you can help protect yourself and your family against this potentially deadly disease.”

The videos aim to make information about measles and the MMR vaccination more accessible to New Zealand’s ethnic communities. By removing language barriers, we can help make sure more people have access to important health information. 

Visit Health New Zealand’s website for more information about measles.

Find more information in different languages.

  • What is measles?

    Measles is a viral disease that can cause serious illness. Learn about the symptoms and what to do if you catch measles.

  • Protecting yourself against measles

    Your best protection against measles is to get vaccinated. Find out about the MMR vaccination, including how, when and where to get immunised.

  • Misinformation

    Misinformation is easily spread and can cause harm if people are unable to tell if it’s verified or not. Take time and reflect when reading.

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