NZ Ethnic Women's Trust (NZEWT) is an incorporated society with charitable status that has been operating since 2001. The group supports women of all ethnicities (predominantly from countries in Africa, South Asia and the Middle East), a high proportion of whom are from refugee backgrounds.
NZEWT offers a range of services and activities to encourage the development of skills and confidence to assist in their settlement in New Zealand. Services include sewing classes, business enterprise program, English language classes, health education, family support services and two playgroup promote bilingualism.
NZ Ethnic Women’s Trust provides a safe place where women can express their views freely in a supportive environment. Our key objectives are:
1) To provide for development of physical, spiritual and intellectual well being of members.
2) To provide assistance for job seekers.
3) To mediate and liaise between various communities and government department agencies over matters that may arise from cultural differences.
4) To establish and provide centers where those in need can attend for direction, counselling etc.
Migrant, Family