Delivering on the Ministry’s priorities

Our Strategy 2022–2025 has been developed with input from our Ethnic Communities. Each priority outlined in the Strategy is accompanied by a set of actions, which together form the Ministry’s work programme.

From 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024, we designed and delivered several key initiatives addressing each priority.

Priority vs 2023/24 Initiatives - 1. Promoting the value of diversity and improving inclusion of Ethnic Communities. Supporting ethnic representation on public sector boards and committees. Case study one: inaugural Ethnic Research Hui Aotearoa 2023. Celebrating youth voices.

2. Ensuring equitable provision of, and access to, government servcies for Ethnic Communities. Intercultural capability and language work programme. Improving access to data and insights about Ethnic Communities. Emergency preparedness videos. Ongoing collaboration with agencies to improve the accessibility and consistency of ethnicity data in the system. Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) videos. Case study two: Language support resources.

3.Improving economic outcomes, including addressing barriers to employment. Addressing barriers to migrant employment. Highlighting inspiring stories to successful Kiwi-ethnic professionals. Case study three: The second Ministerial Business Roundtable. Ethnic Communities Graduate programme

4. Connecting and empowering Ethnic Community Groups. Empowered Ethnic Communities via funding support. Celebrating community events at Parliament. The New Zealand Symphony Orchestra's 'Beyond Words' concert series. Case study four: Promoting social cohesion and wellbeing amidst the Israel/Palestine conflict. Faith Leaders Hui

Next: Priority 1. Promoting the value of diversity and improving inclusion of Ethnic Communities

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